
Giant Animals That Actually Exist

Having a large cat roaming around the house might not be a significant issue, but the presence of a gigantic crocodile in the same space would certainly pose a problem. However, it is not entirely rare to encounter giant animals in our modern world. With the exploration of remote jungles and the depths of the oceans, there is still much to be discovered.

Kong, Jaws, and Anaconda are only a few films that have twisted our imaginations and given us an idea of what it would be like if larger-than-life animals did exist. Still, this strikes fear down our spines. We tend to forget that we are only tiny specs in a massive worldwide food chain. Thankfully, the giant animals we’ve discovered for this list are a bit more realistic, some even being cuddly. Some of these giant animals are household pets and others are a bit more wild, but rest assured, they are giant!。

Zeus the Great Dane

Growing up in the picturesque town of Otsego, Michigan, Zeus the Great Dane was a towering presence. Standing at an impressive 7.5 feet tall on his hind legs, he weighed a meager 155 pounds. His immense stature made him the proud recipient of the prestigious title of "World's Tallest Dog" in both 2012 and 2013, as recognized by the esteemed Guinness Book of World Records. Alas, Zeus's life was cut short at the tender age of six due to natural causes.

Field Marshall

Field Marshall, according to its former owner Arthur Duckett, weighed an astonishing 1.6 tons. To put that into perspective, it was equivalent to more than a mini Cooper. This massive creature, known as Behemoth, gained an impressive 300 pounds in just a year. Its current owner described it as a "huge beast," stating that if it were a human, it would stand at an astonishing 8 feet tall and weigh 30 stone of muscle.

The Malaysian Boa

Although we’ve largely seen gigantic snakes in movies, construction workers in a Malaysian jungle came across a real 26-foot-long, 550 pound snake near their worksite. Experts dubbed this find as one of the largest snakes ever seen.

The Colossal Catfish

In the depths of the ocean, a remarkable discovery was made by Thai fishermen. They caught a catfish that weighed an astonishing 646 pounds, believed to be the largest freshwater fish ever found. The creature measured an impressive 8 feet 9 inches in length. Initially, the fishermen attempted to sell the massive fish to environmental groups for breeding purposes, but unfortunately, the fish passed away before any exchange could take place. Eventually, the fish was butchered and sold to local villagers.

The Great White Shark

They are known by various names, such as Beasts of the Ocean, Remnant of the Past, and Apex Predators. According to reports, the largest great white shark ever found measured an impressive length of 21 feet and weighed over 7,000 pounds. This staggering size and weight are truly terrifying, highlighting the immense power and dominance of these magnificent creatures.

Bandit The Giant Raccoon

Bandit, the "World's Fattest Raccoon" as recognized by The Guinness Book of World Records, was a remarkable creature. Adopted by a dog and raised as one of its puppies, Bandit was a raccoon with a thyroid problem. Upon his passing, he weighed a remarkable 75 pounds.


One of the largest salt crocodiles in the world is Brutus, who measures an impressive 18 feet in length. This majestic creature is a popular tourist attraction in Australia. Interestingly, Brutus only has three limbs, as it has been noted that a shark attacked and ate one of his front legs. Despite this mishap, Brutus continues to captivate visitors with his impressive size and regal presence.

Nomura's Jellyfish

If you want to experience the feeling of being small, there's no better place than swimming alongside the Nomura's Jellyfish in the waters between China and Japan. These magnificent creatures are considered the largest jellyfish in the sea, with a width of 6.6 feet. According to records, the largest Nomura jellyfish has been known to weigh an astonishing 440 pounds. The sheer size and weight of these jellyfish make them a sight to behold, and swimming alongside them is a humbling experience that puts one's size into perspective.


Although horses are known to be tall, this Percheron Stallion World Champion makes its peers look silly. Moose is a draft horse, and at his shoulders, he measures up at a gigantic 6.5 feet and weighs over 2,000 pounds.

The Giant Grizzly Bear

Male grizzlies (also known as the North American Brown Bear) can weigh more than 800 pounds and stand up to 10 feet on their hind legs. However, the largest to ever been recorded weighed over 1,500 pounds. Interestingly, newborn grizzlies weigh a mere 1.1 lbs when they’re born.